Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Across a piece of music written by an unknown music composer named Erik Destler nearly 100 years before. Erik had made a pack with the devil so the world would love his music, but the devil had one condition: that Erik's face would be horribly disfigured forever. Once Christine sings his music, she is taken from present day New York to 1881 London were she is the star of the London Opera House. Their she is coached by a mysterious caped figure who will do anything to make her the star of the opera even if it means murdering people, and the figure is none other than Erik Destler himself.Fantasma dell'Opera vuole ripetere la sua tragedia. La sua maschera e protagonista del romanzo di scarso rilievo. Provavolume musicale sostanziale citta’ distrutte crudelta’ esibite e suggestioni permeabilita’ all'opera incidenti trasporti ricordi relique Le reliquie i resti di un gatto lo sporco l’acqua che si incanala e scorrenei canali flusso nero di impressioni vite dissipate sentieri sciupati esseri separati eternamente.La musica e la memoria. L’ uomo solo Circostanze analoghe situazioni impossibili sogni di generazioni morte morti che camminano ricordi deperibili putridume.Vecchiaia paura crudelta’. Erik's face would be horribly disfigured forever. Once Christine sings his music, she is taken from present day New York to 1881 London were she is the star of the London Opera House. Their she is coached by a mysterious caped figure who will do anything to make her the star of the opera even if it means murdering people, and the figure is none other than Erik Destler himself


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